Surprise Proposal at the Old Westminster Winery

Alex + Drew

Drew’s surprise proposal to Alex was months in the making. We had began discussing locations and timing in the summer prior before we finally settled on a date later in the winter. We then had to figure out a plan of execution for the big moment. Drew had to keep this plan a secret but ring boxes aren’t meant to be discreet. A box jutting out of pants is too obvious but leaving a ring in a glass of champagne sounds too risky. A wool jacket for the winter chill would do just fine.

Theres also the challenge of making sure your partner is picture ready as well. An early morning lunch and wine date was cleverly set up by Drew and would be the perfect spot for the proposal.

As for me, I always think (and maybe over-think) about all the things I need to do to keep my covert identity and mission a secret. I always feel like a spy with a job of finding my target, completing the assignment and fading back into crowd, leaving dozens of witnesses and a happy couple. Like a James Bond but for lovers. To avoid detection by Alex, I posed as staff at the Old Westminster Winery in Westminster, MD, and asked if I could take a photograph of the couple for “our” social media pages. Alex, said yes, and Drew knew that was our cue.

Alex never saw the proposal coming.

The sudden mix of emotions from a surprise proposal are my favorite. The shock, the smiles and laughter, the happy tears and kisses, followed by more shock and then the celebrations. All of these emotions and moments come in a flurry but each of them feel so uniquely special and loving; each of these moments captured in every frame.

It was such an honor to be a little piece of their. Congratulations to them both and cheers to the start of a new journey.


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